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The Safe Space Program provides education about the need for a protective, secure and supportive environment that students and others can have access to when they feel unprotected and at risk for harm from others. Safe Space provides an opportunity to speak with someone about a vulnerable situation. Counselors are provided with the tools and skillsets for safe and timely intervention, to prevent the emergence or escalation of unsafe interactions or situations which the students may be facing.




The Safe Space Program, in partnership with the selected school, provides both a physical and digital (media-based) designated space, where students and others can meet with a trained Counsellor to discuss, in strict confidence, any issues that they feel confronted with, be it campus-based or at home. This conversation is protected and privileged; the Counsellors are expected to give their full attention to the issues brought up by the student; and if needed, the Counsellor will take action to protect the student, provide a course of action, and offer coping techniques for dealing with various types of trauma.




We recognize that many of the students in Africa need extra support in preparing for their examinations. Volunteers meet with the students via teleconferencing regularly during the school year and help prepare them for test-taking. We focus on teaching them how to  generally prepare themselves mentally and emotionally to succeed academically.




​We also see an opportunity for healing within the community, as the Safe Space Program works through partnership and collaboration with the parents and teachers of the school and community leaders. It offers education and mental support to the community and a chance for reconciliation, between the community and an institution that is vitally necessary for nurturing and developing its young girls.

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